V. Lynn Connelly


Lynn Connelly is a CPA by day, grammar/writing tutor on weekends, and writer in between. She abandoned psychology for accounting because numbers are orderly and people are not, but she appreciates the endlessly fascinating disorderliness of her fellow humans as long as she doesn’t have to fix it. Born and raised in Michigan, Lynn is currently a digital nomad who works remotely from all over the U.S. with her rescue lab, Buddy, lying on her feet or dragging her out to explore on long walks. Most recently, she has spent time in Westport, MA, and Sedona, AZ. When not working, writing, or walking, she loves to travel with her two awesome adult kids and/or canine copilot. Her therapist said, “If you don’t write a book about your life, I’m going to,” so she is. Lynn is a member of the National Association of Memoir Writers. Only her mother calls her Veronica.

image of cairn, decorative
Property of Author
Property of Author

Cairns are stone piles traditionally placed to help travelers find their way through the wilderness.